Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dashboard Cookies!

Like most of the rest of the country it's been down right HOT in Texas. You step outside and you feel like you're stepping into the oven. Oven. DING - Jeremie has an idea! He heard on the radio that some guy actually baked cookies on the dashboard of his car - so he just HAD to test out this experiment.

Take raw cookie dough

Put you car into direct sunlight and line your dashboard with towels and/or hot pad to prevent cookie sheet from ruining the dashboard

Put cookie sheet on dashboard (we put in the oven thermometer just to see how hot it got in there - up to 180 degrees!!) and wait about 2 to 2 1/2 hours

Poof! Magically bakes in the sun. They don't brown up like normal cookies do in the oven, but they cook through and taste like normal oven baked cookies!

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